Cant Install Packages in Rstudio

I am having trouble installing binary packages on Rstudio, I receive the same results everytime I try and install:

" Warning in install.packages :
error in running command
Warning in install.packages :
'tar' returned non-zero exit code 127
Error in install.packages : file ‘/var/folders/35/83hw3y1s5sb6z767cl_9kb280000gn/T//RtmpEhWotM/downloaded_packages/cli_3.4.1.tgz’ is not a macOS binary package"

R is R 4.2.1 GUI 1.79 Big Sur ARM build (8095)
Rstudio 2022.07.2 Build 576
I am using Mac mini Chip Apple M1 / MacOS Monetary version 12.5/

Note that I can install package through R app , but not R studio.

Thank you for your help.

Please show the complete console output when you try to install a package from RStudio, such as

Installing package into ‘/Users/john/Library/R/arm64/4.2/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1292969 bytes (1.2 MB)
downloaded 1.2 MB

The downloaded binary packages are in

also installing the dependencies ‘cli’, ‘colorspace’, ‘utf8’, ‘farver’, ‘labeling’, ‘lifecycle’, ‘munsell’, ‘R6’, ‘RColorBrewer’, ‘viridisLite’, ‘fansi’, ‘magrittr’, ‘pillar’, ‘pkgconfig’, ‘vctrs’, ‘digest’, ‘glue’, ‘gtable’, ‘isoband’, ‘rlang’, ‘scales’, ‘tibble’, ‘withr’, ‘ggplot2’

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1292969 bytes (1.2 MB)

downloaded 1.2 MB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 2622583 bytes (2.5 MB)

downloaded 2.5 MB

sh: tar: command not found
Warning in install.packages :
error in running command
Warning in install.packages :
'tar' returned non-zero exit code 127
Error in install.packages : file ‘/var/folders/35/83hw3y1s5sb6z767cl_9kb280000gn/T//RtmpEhWotM/downloaded_packages/cli_3.4.1.tgz’ is not a macOS binary package

Error in library(dslabs) : there is no package called ‘dslabs’

Sorry, this one is outside of my expertise. I have never had the "sh: tar: command not found" or "not a macOS binary package" error with either Intel or Apple M1 processors. Best of luck!!

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