can't instal any R packege

hi dear all
i'm trying to install packages in R
it connects and downloads the packeges but it does not install
here what i write to install package:

and this is the error i recieve :

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 372273 bytes (363 KB)

downloaded 363 KB

Warning: invalid package ‘/users/root/tmp/RtmpC4INwd/downloaded_packages/devtools_2.2.1.tar.gz’
Error: ERROR: no packages specified

The downloaded source packages are in
Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
Making 'packages.html' ... done
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)

can anyone help me please

Hi @rezamds

Can you give us details about your session ? environnent (linux, windows,...) R version, rstudio version.....

Hi @Rodrigue
sorry for forgetting that
I'm using :
centos 7
R 3.6.0-1

and it happens for all packages not for devtools only
I think it can not read some path like temp
also when I try to install package from source it does everything but finally arrives to "testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location"
and can't go further

Did you use in your environment previous version of R (<= 3.5.1)?

Do you have some firewall/anti-virus on yr env?

no I removed R completely and reinstalled it
I have firewall but previous admin has set it up
I dont know what shoul I check in firewall
I shoud explain that when I use "install.package("https://...pkg.tar.gz, repos=null) if the package has no dependencies it can be installed but if it has dependencies the same error appears

I think You must ask your admin to configure your firewall to allow traffic from your env to internet

but as I said I can connect to url and install package

I checked it
no configuratin in firewall

and as you see in my Error the package is downloaded but cant be installed

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