I have also installed the recommended packages to see the examples.
devtools::install_github("rstudio/addinexamples", type = "source")
I can't get to add a simple shortcut for %in%.
I am able to successfully call it using addinexamples::insertInAddin() but can't map it to a keystroke yet. I want ctrl-I to be mapped to it.
I know this. But still I cannot edit the first column.
I have successfully added addins from a package called datapasta but those were preprogrammed shortcuts and I just could change / assign key strokes to existing rows. How can I add more rows that I want to create on my own? Am missing something basic.
Attaching a screenshot where I added one shortcut (highlighted it) but that was for a preexisting row.
you have added insertInAddin() thats a good sign.
verify Insert %in% appears in the addins drop down.
If so it should be there amongst all the others in the keyboard shortcuts panel, maybe its just hard to spot
I searched on insert and it was my last row, I clicked it and set it to Ctrl+I
I've scrolled the list multiple times but I cannot spot it. Could it be the Name is different? And how do I really see the description of each of the Names. Some of them are cryptic.