After archiving an instance. I can't delete the instance. I have been trying for several weeks.
What can I do? (Free subscription)
After archiving an instance. I can't delete the instance. I have been trying for several weeks.
What can I do? (Free subscription)
What if any messages do you get when you try to delete it? Is there anything relevant in the log after the deletion attempt?
Unable to dispatch task for application=13221793 as there are 1 tasks already in progress. This is most likely a transient error. Please try again in a bit. If this error persists please contact the support.
2025-01-20T10:23:21.375083+00:00 shinyapps[13221793]: Error: path
does not exist: ‘Slalom-2ST.xlsx’
2025-01-20T10:23:21.380163+00:00 shinyapps[13221793]: Execution halted
2025-01-20T10:23:21.385449+00:00 shinyapps[13221793]: Shiny application exiting ...
The messages indicate the app was running, which should not be possible if it was archived. If you go to the dashboard and click on Applications / All, what does it show in the "Status" column for this application?
Status: Archived
Instances: 0
When I try to delete the application, the following message appears:
Waiting for task: 1500780270
purge-images: Deleting images
Error: Unhandled Exception: Timeout waiting for '_check_child_task_status' after 3600 seconds
I see that there is an unanswered question from last November involving the same timeout error. If you are having to archive again each time you try to kill the app, I suggest archiving and then letting it sit for a day before trying to delete. If it is already archived (and has been archived for a while) when you log into your account and you still get this error, then I think you're going to need professional help. There are some Posit employees active here. Maybe you can message one of them to draw attention to this question. Sorry I can't be more helpful.