This morning, I tried to connect RStudio to Github, but it says 'Git was not detected on the System path'. When I ran the command 'which git', it responded with '/usr/bin/git' which I guess confirms that I've already installed Github Desktop, which in fact I did before trying to make connection between RStudio and Github. I was wondering if someone could help with it, please. This has already eaten major chunk of my day.
This morning, I tried to connect RStudio to Github, but it says 'Git was not detected on the System Path'. When I ran the command 'which git', it read back 'usr/bin/git' which I assume confirms that I've already installed Github Desktop which in fact I did before trying to make the connection between Rstudio and Github. Adding more, when I tried it through Tools > Vision Control > Project Setup > Git/SVN: Version Control System only shows one option and that is 'none'. I'll really appreciate it if someone could help me with it, please. Thank you!!!