Cannot stage quarto revealjs presentation using git tab in RStudio

Even with simple quarto revealjs presentation, RStudio hangs up when I try to stage the *_files folder from the Git tab, and I have to use task manager to quit my session. This seems similar to posted questions here and here, but neither post was fully resolved.

Hi. One of the issues you linked was mine. It was never resolved here, but someone on Reddit suggested two things that helped. First, make your jsreveal presentations self-contained. Second, unstage and ignore the html file before committing. (You don't need to push the file to github, since you are pushing everything you need to render it again anyway and it will be a large file.)

The self-contained thing is just a matter of adding a line to the YAML in the format section after jsreveal (or after html for documents):

self-contained: true

Thanks for your tips! For me, it worked to put self-contained in the YAML header as long as I removed the chalkboard option. For example, I used:

slide-number: true
preview-links: auto
self-contained: true

I was now able to stage, commit, and push everything to GitHub!

Does anyone know if this process would work (or could be modified) if I wanted to publish the slides using, say, GitHub Pages?

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