I'm trying to have a blog using blogdown, on my Windows 10 machine.
I've already an empty repository called : 'omargonzalesdiaz' (no readme file) on Github.
I've created a blog using blogdown that I want to publish to Github, so later I can use netlify.
But I get this error:
cred <- git2r::cred_ssh_key(
+ publickey = "~/../.ssh/id_rsa.pub",
+ privatekey = "~/../.ssh/id_rsa"
+ )
> usethis::use_github(credentials = cred)
✔ Checking that current branch is 'master'
Error: Repo 'OmarGonD/omargonzalesdiaz' already exists on 'github.com'.
Infomation about my configuration
> usethis::git_sitrep()
Git user
* Name: 'OmarGonD'
* Email: 'oma.gonzales@gmail.com'
* Vaccinated: TRUE
usethis + git2r
* Default usethis protocol: <unset>
* git2r supports SSH: TRUE
* Credentials: '<usethis + git2r default behaviour>'
* Personal access token: '<found in env var>'
* User: 'OmarGonD'
* Name: 'omar'
* Path: 'D:/omargonzalesdiaz/.git'
* Local branch -> remote tracking branch: 'master' -> '<unset>'
GitHub pull request readiness
* origin: OmarGonD/omargonzalesdiaz, can push
* upstream: '<no such remote>'
Environ file:
Entered and save when cursor was in a new line, as documentation said.