I am getting an error when I try to open my .rmd files in r studio. A dialogue box opens that says "error while opening file" "no such file or directory". I am on a Mac and using RStudio 2021.09.1
For context, my r studio was freezing at start-up. I did the following from this website to try to correct it:
Mac OS X
You can easily create a backup by running the following command from the terminal. Then you can send this backup with your support request:
mv ~/.local/share/rstudio ~/.local/share/rstudio-backup
Alternatively, you can open a Finder window into the rstudio directory by typing the following command at the Terminal:
open ~/.local/share/rstudio
To create a backup, run the following command from the terminal. You can then include the file ~/backup-rstudio-prefs with your support request:
defaults read com.rstudio.desktop > ~/backup-rstudio-prefs
...Now the files won't open. Thank you for any help you can offer.