Cannot load the "Shiny" package

> install.packages("shiny")
Warning in install.packages("shiny") : 'lib' is not writable
Warning: unable to access index for repository
Warning message:
package 'shiny' is not available

What version of R are you using?



This is the only version that can run the program I need to run,

R 2.5.0 is about 17 years old [1], and it predates the first version of shiny by 5 years [2]. Also, the very first version of shiny required at least R 2.14.1 [3], so I am afraid that that's not going to work. In fact I am fairly certain that it never did.

[2] Index of /src/contrib/Archive/shiny
[3] E.g.

❯ pkgsearch::cran_package_history("shiny")[1, c("Version", "Date")]
      Version       Date
0.2.3   0.2.3 2012-11-30

❯ pkgsearch::cran_package_history("shiny")$dependencies[[1]]
       type    package   version
1   Depends          R >= 2.14.1
2   Imports      stats         *
3   Imports      tools         *
4   Imports      utils         *
5   Imports   datasets         *
6   Imports    methods         *
7   Imports websockets  >= 1.1.6
8   Imports    caTools         *
9   Imports    RJSONIO         *
10  Imports     xtable         *
11  Imports     digest         *
12 Suggests   markdown         *

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