Cannot launch R Studio IDE

## R Session Startup Failure Report

### RStudio Version

RStudio 2022.02.0+443, "Prairie Trillium" (9f796939, 2022-02-16) for Windows

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.12.8 Chrome/69.0.3497.128 Safari/537.36

### Error message

[No error available]

### Process Output

The R session exited with code -1073740791. 

Error output:

[No errors emitted]

Standard output:

[No output emitted]

### Logs


12 Apr 2021 17:59:49 [rsession-Tonmoy] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118
19 Apr 2021 17:25:24 [rsession-Tonmoy] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118
28 Apr 2021 14:50:00 [rsession-Tonmoy] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118


This is the error I'm getting. Things I've tried:

  1. Different version of RStudio
  2. Re-installed both R and RStudio as Administrator
  3. Allowed the files through my Windows Firewall
  4. Disabled antivirus.

But none of it seems to be working.

Sorry about this. And is this for RStudio Workbench, or RStudio Server (the free server version), or the desktop version?

And were you given a "next steps" in your report?

Focusing just on the exit code, I think this error occurs when you're trying to execute something your machine for which your user isn't permitted to do. In the example below, this person needed to install RStudio as an admin on their particular machine. When they were R wasn't able to start.

Thank you for your reply. It's the desktop version. I did come across the post you linked and I re-installed both RStudio and R as administrator however that did nothing. I'm also launching them as administrator but doesn't seem to be working.

So, I've been able to fix it. I've had to hold down Ctrl when launching RStudio and specifically choose the 32-bit version of R. Now it's working.

It does not work with the 64-bit version for some reason.

Very strange, I see you're on Windows NT, but a 64-bit version. Some older versions of RStudio work for 32-bit systems. (see RStudio Desktop 1.1.463)

The latest version of R (note the distinction between R and RStudio Differentiating R from RStudio) should work on both 32 and 64-bit systems. Download R-4.3.3 for Windows. The R-project for statistical computing.

Sorry this wasn't more helpful, it would be good to get on the latest version of R and RStudio.

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