## R Session Startup Failure Report
### RStudio Version
RStudio 2022.02.0+443, "Prairie Trillium" (9f796939, 2022-02-16) for Windows
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.12.8 Chrome/69.0.3497.128 Safari/537.36
### Error message
[No error available]
### Process Output
The R session exited with code -1073740791.
Error output:
[No errors emitted]
Standard output:
[No output emitted]
### Logs
12 Apr 2021 17:59:49 [rsession-Tonmoy] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118
19 Apr 2021 17:25:24 [rsession-Tonmoy] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118
28 Apr 2021 14:50:00 [rsession-Tonmoy] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118
This is the error I'm getting. Things I've tried:
- Different version of RStudio
- Re-installed both R and RStudio as Administrator
- Allowed the files through my Windows Firewall
- Disabled antivirus.
But none of it seems to be working.