Cannot Knit Rmd Document - IDK Why

hi all, i am a student and pretty new to rstudio; for my university assignment, we have been using rmarkdown to knit our files into html format but recently it has not been working. i have cleared my cache, tried installing CRAN windows, restarted my r session and ran all chunks, etc., but i cannot get my document to knit as i would like it to.

can i get some feedback? i have attached a pic of my render for reference. many thanks.

boots <- Sample1 %>%
specify(response = Height) %>%
generate(reps = 1000, type = "bootstrap") %>%
calculate(stat = "mean")


this is what R studio is telling me is wrong?

The code at the top doesn't appear to be in an R-chunk.

PS Please post code as text rather than a picture.

Don't use View() in a R Markdown report. This function is for using interactively only

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