Cannot deploy python shiny app to - Exception: Child Task 1253605787 failed


My app works locally and rsconnect is linked to my account. When I try to deploy, the app gets created on my account, but I get an error message shown below and the app is displayed as undeployed.

Warning: the existing manifest.json file will not be used or considered.

Validating server... [OK]
Validating app mode... [OK]
Making bundle ... [OK]
Deploying bundle ...
Waiting for task: 1253605785
building - Installing files
building - Installing files
building - Installing files
[ERROR]: reported an error (calling /v1/tasks/1253605785?legacy=true): Unhandled Exception: Child Task 1253605787 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1

I'm using latest version of rsconnect.

Any help would be appreciated.


How did you solve this.

There are a variety of problems that can cause an error like this, and so we realize it is a problem that the error message doesn't provide more information. We are working on providing more error detail in these cases so you can take the right steps to correct it, but in the meantime users with access to Posit Support should feel free to reach out for assistance. Engineers can pull the logs for you as long as your attempt was within the last several days.

We've recently enhanced the product so that when an error occurs at this step, rsconnect will show you the root cause error that took place on our servers.

I am also having this issue in the more recent month of 2023.12.15

[ERROR]: Application deployment failed with error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 1366035896 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1
Error: Application deployment failed with error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 1366035896 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1

hi, how to solved? anyone get solved with this problem similar?