call r script: Error in is_quosure(x) : argument “x” is missing, with no default

I'm getting this error when the app is initially run when loading before the user enters any data. The page loads then closes. The error message is in the RStudio console. I want it to call the function and show the message after the user clicks the Submit button. It looks like the error is on } above the shinyApp(ui, server)
RShiny app.R file:


# Define UI for dataset viewer app ----
ui <- fluidPage(
  # App title ----
  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
    # Sidebar panel for inputs ---- 
      textInput(inputId = "name",
                label = "Name:"),
      selectInput("gender", "Choose Gender:",
                  choices = c("Male", "Female"), selected = "Male"),
      numericInput("score", "Rating Score:", 10),
      actionButton("update", "Submit")
    # Main panel for displaying outputs ----

# Define server logic to summarize and view selected dataset ----
server <- function(input, output) {
  n <- eventReactive(input$name)
  g <- eventReactive(input$gender)
  s <- eventReactive(input$score)
  retval <- fxTest(n,g,s)
  output$msg <- renderText({

# Create Shiny app ---- 
shinyApp(ui, server)

testLibrary.R file:

library(RODBC, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

fxTest <- function(n,g,s) {
  if(g == "Male")
    cn = odbcConnect("MyODBC")
    ds <- sqlQuery(cn, "SELECT COUNT([Gender])
                        FROM [MyDB].[dbo].[BankCustomersChurn]
                        WHERE [Gender] = 'Male'
                        AND [Exited] = 1")
    ds2 = c("Hi ", n, ". The number of male customers that have left are ", ds, ". You rated this app ",s,".")
    ds3 <- paste(ds2, collapse = '') 
  if(g == "Female")
    cn = odbcConnect("MyODBC")
    ds <- sqlQuery(cn, "SELECT COUNT([Gender])
                        FROM [MyDB].[dbo].[BankCustomersChurn]
                        WHERE [Gender] = 'Female'
                        AND [Exited] = 1")
    ds2 = c("Hi ", n, ". The number of female customers that have left are ", ds, ". You rated this app ",s,".")
    ds3 <- paste(ds2, collapse = '') 

eventReactive() takes two arguments, a 'trigger' as the first argument and then a reactive expression as the second argument. You're getting an error message because you've only passed one argument to each of the eventReactive() calls.

I think maybe you meant to use reactive() instead, but that's unnecessary in this case where you can just rewrite your server as follows:

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$msg <- renderText({
    fxTest(n = input$name,
           g = input$gender,
           s = input$score)

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