Call Module UI through creation of a tabsetPanel

I am currently having troubles making my module UI and server communicating whith an intermediate renderUI creating the layout. Here is a repex with and without the dynamic creation of the tabsetPanel. I guess the problem comes from namespace but I cannot figure out where and how to fix it.

mod_graphical_general_ui <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
    selectInput(ns("myselect"), "Select a choice", choices = NULL)

mod_graphical_general_server <- function(id, choices = NULL) {
  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
    ns <- session$ns
    updateSelectInput(session, "myselect", choices = choices)

ui <- bootstrapPage(

server <- function(input, output) {
  mod_graphical_general_server("mymodule", choices = c("aaa", "bbb"))
  output$mytabs = renderUI({
    number_of_tabs <- 3
    names_tab <- paste0("Tab", 1:number_of_tabs)
    myTabs = lapply(1: number_of_tabs, function(x) {tabPanel(names_tab[[x]], div(uiOutput(paste0("graphics_tab", x))))}), c(myTabs))
  output$graphics_tab1 <- renderUI({

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

If I remove the step from calling the tabsetPanel, the code works .

mod_graphical_general_ui <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
    selectInput(ns("myselect"), "Select a choice", choices = NULL)

mod_graphical_general_server <- function(id, choices = NULL) {
  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
    ns <- session$ns
    updateSelectInput(session, "myselect", choices = choices)

ui <- bootstrapPage(

server <- function(input, output) {
  mod_graphical_general_server("mymodule", choices = c("aaa", "bbb"))
  output$mytabs = renderUI({
    number_of_tabs <- 3
    names_tab <- paste0("Tab", 1:number_of_tabs)
    myTabs = lapply(1: number_of_tabs, function(x) {tabPanel(names_tab[[x]], div(uiOutput(paste0("graphics_tab", x))))}), c(myTabs))
  output$graphics_tab1 <- renderUI({

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I think it definitely comes from namespace but I cannot understand why. When I check the selectInput id within the source code of the page, it is exactly the same between the two examples. How the dynamic creation of the tabs can influence the namespace ?
Thank you very much for your help !

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