California Schools Climate Hazards Dashboard
Authors: Hazel Vaquero, Charlie Curtin, Liane Chen, Kristina Glass
Abstract: California residents can use this app to learn more about their school communities' potential climate hazard risks: extreme heat, wildfire, extreme precipitation, flooding, and sea level rise. This app aims to provide a resource for schools and the communities they serve to learn about the climate hazards they face and build capacity for school and community engagement related to hazard preparedness.
Full Description: The dashboard includes past climate data and future climate projections for five climate hazards: wildfire, extreme heat, extreme precipitation, flooding, and sea level rise. Data are summarized at the school level and characterize the hazard experienced by the community within a three-mile radius of each school. The dashboard provides locally specific data for the over 10,000 public schools in California. In addition, the dashboard provides background information for each school and a climate hazard summary score. This interactive dashboard aims to provide a resource for schools and the communities they serve to learn about the climate hazards they face and build capacity for school and community engagement related to hazard preparedness. Users can explore each hazard more in-depth and observe projected temperature values, precipitation, wildfire risk, flooding, and sea level rise. There is an additional information tab where users can learn more about climate adaptation and its interconnection with schools.
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - CASAschools/casa_schools_app: This is a repository containing code for the R Shiny Dashboard. The dashboard hosts climate hazard visualizations, the aggregated hazard risk for wildfire, extreme heat, extreme precipitation, seal-level rise, and flooding for 10,008 schools across California. It also hosts a dashboard user guide, and climate adaptation resources.
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