I am trying to create a time-based heatmap similar to this:
I have successfully created this one:
This is simply the sum of the counts for each year.
But, I need to put the counts for each month for each year (even if counts are 0 for a month) and want to have "Year" labels placed across the bottom ("Month" labels not neccessary). I think I have to create a new column with Month-Date, but not sure how to label this correctly???
My code (having problem with plyr/dplyr):
detach("package:plyr", unload = TRUE) # then...
#> Error in detach("package:plyr", unload = TRUE): invalid 'name' argument
wellSummary3 <- mass %>%
group_by(year, month, well) %>%
summarise(N = n())
#> Error in mass %>% group_by(year, month, well) %>% summarise(N = n()): could not find function "%>%"
#overall summary
plot5 <- ggplot(wellSummary3, aes(x = year, y = well)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = N),colour = "white") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = col1, high = col2) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Measurements")) +
labs(title = "Water Level Measurments Per Month",
x = "Year", y = "Number of Events") +
theme_bw() + theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
#> Error in ggplot(wellSummary3, aes(x = year, y = well)): could not find function "ggplot"
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'plot5' not found
Created on 2021-07-29 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)
A subset of my data:
mass<- tibble::tribble(
~well, ~date, ~year, ~month, ~result,
"DEPFLD", "11/13/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 37,
"MWBS", "11/13/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 22.15,
"DEPPBD", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 19.5,
"DEPPBS", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 17.5,
"MW01", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 4.3,
"MW02", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 15.7,
"MW04", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 38,
"MW06", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 9.3,
"MW07", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 9.3,
"MW11", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 20.95,
"MW14", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 6.2,
"MW17", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 6.1,
"MW20", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 3.55,
"MW22", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 15.4,
"MWAI", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 58.6,
"MWBU", "11/14/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 51.6,
"BW02", "11/16/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 1.1,
"MWCI", "11/16/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 51.6,
"MWEU", "11/16/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 12.5,
"SW01", "11/16/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 0,
"MWDS", "11/17/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 21,
"MWDU", "11/17/2017", 2017L, "Nov", 76,
"DEPFLD", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 40.7,
"MW01", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 4.5,
"MW14", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 7.4,
"MW22", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 17.2,
"MWDS", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 28.6,
"MWDU", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 79.6,
"MWEU", "4/3/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 17.8,
"DEPPBD", "4/4/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 23.4,
"DEPPBS", "4/4/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 22.7,
"MW06", "4/4/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 12.4,
"MW07", "4/4/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 11,
"MW02", "4/5/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 20.4,
"MW04", "4/5/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 39.6,
"MW11", "4/5/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 25.8,
"MW17", "4/5/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 8.1,
"MWBU", "4/5/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 55,
"MWCI", "4/5/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 52.1,
"BW02", "4/6/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 2.6,
"MW20", "4/6/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 6.3,
"MWAI", "4/6/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 53,
"SW01", "4/6/2018", 2018L, "Apr", 0,
"DEPFLD", "6/18/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 40.2,
"MW01", "6/18/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 2.7,
"MW22", "6/18/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 15.71,
"MWDS", "6/18/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 27.4,
"MWDU", "6/18/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 79,
"DEPPBD", "6/19/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 22.4,
"DEPPBS", "6/19/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 21.5,
"MW02", "6/19/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 18.6,
"MW06", "6/19/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 11.5,
"MW07", "6/19/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 10.5,
"MW17", "6/19/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 7,
"MW11", "6/20/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 24.7,
"MWBS", "6/20/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 28.01,
"MWBU", "6/20/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 53.98,
"MWEU", "6/20/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 17.1,
"BW02", "6/21/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 1.58,
"MW20", "6/21/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 6.22,
"MWAI", "6/21/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 52.46,
"MWCI", "6/21/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 51.9,
"SW01", "6/21/2018", 2018L, "Jun", 0,
"MW01", "8/27/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 0.01,
"MW14", "8/27/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 5.31,
"MW22", "8/27/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 13.83,
"MWDS", "8/27/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 22.94,
"MWDU", "8/27/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 76.18,
"DEPPBD", "8/28/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 19.7,
"DEPPBS", "8/28/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 19.28,
"MW02", "8/28/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 14.29,
"MW06", "8/28/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 9.13,
"MW07", "8/28/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 8.8,
"MW17", "8/28/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 6,
"MW11", "8/29/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 23.1,
"MW20", "8/29/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 4.3,
"MWBS", "8/29/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 25.79,
"MWBU", "8/29/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 51.01,
"BW02", "8/30/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 0.79,
"MWAI", "8/30/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 51.22,
"SW01", "8/30/2018", 2018L, "Aug", 0,
"MW01", "12/3/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 4.72,
"MW14", "12/3/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 6.82,
"MW22", "12/3/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 14.31,
"DEPPBD", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 21.78,
"DEPPBS", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 21.43,
"MW02", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 17.51,
"MW06", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 11.01,
"MW07", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 10.58,
"MW17", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 7.8,
"MWDS", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 25.13,
"MWDU", "12/4/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 76.76,
"MW11", "12/5/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 25,
"MW20", "12/5/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 5.43,
"MWBS", "12/5/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 27.3,
"MWBU", "12/5/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 53.03,
"BW02", "12/6/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 2.1,
"MWAI", "12/6/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 52.2,
"SW01", "12/6/2018", 2018L, "Dec", 0
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> well date year month result
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 DEPFLD 11/13/2017 2017 Nov 37
#> 2 MWBS 11/13/2017 2017 Nov 22.2
#> 3 DEPPBD 11/14/2017 2017 Nov 19.5
#> 4 DEPPBS 11/14/2017 2017 Nov 17.5
#> 5 MW01 11/14/2017 2017 Nov 4.3
#> 6 MW02 11/14/2017 2017 Nov 15.7
Created on 2021-07-29 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)
Thank you!