Calculate returns


I have a dataframe, like this:

        isin                     Year Month       MV       P      RI        VA   MNEM

1 BMG0539N1020 2011 12 804.00 20.10 92.80 2888.1 N:AOD
2 BMG0539N1020 2012 12 1148.00 28.70 132.50 13.5 N:AOD
3 BMG067231032 2014 12 3598.35 100.91 90.40 406557.6 N:AVAN
With 4691 observations of annual stock price data (545 companies/isin, with various length of each observation). The observations start and end at different time intervals, some companies have annual data from 1980-2020, and some might have data for 2010-2015 etc.
My problem is: I need to calculate the returns for each company/isin from RI. -> create a column/vector of returns calculated from RI ((RIt/RIt-1)-1)).

I will then need the return column to be shifted, so the returns are represented as rt+1 compared to the other data, meaning for the year 2012 I will represent the 2013 returns.

        isin                     Year Month       MV       P      RI      VA                          RETURN

1 BMG0539N1020 2011 12 804.00 20.10 92.80 return for year+1 (2011+1=2012)
2 BMG0539N1020 2012 12 1148.00 28.70 132.50 return for year+1 (2012+1=2013)
3 BMG067231032 2014 12 3598.35 100.91 90.40 return for year+1 (2014+1=2015)

Any advice? :smile:



Try to create a reprex next time where we can easily access you data you copy pasted (not working now). A reprex consists of the minimal code and data needed to recreate the issue/question you're having. You can find instructions how to build and share one here:

Here is an example on how you could shift the column using the lead function from the dplyr package (Tidyverse)


#Dummy data
myData = data.frame(
  id = rep(1:3, each = 5),
  year = rep(2010:2014, 3),
  value = runif(15)

#Use lead() to shift all values up per id
myData %>% arrange(id, year) %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  mutate(new = lead(value)) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 15 x 4
#>       id  year  value     new
#>    <int> <int>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1     1  2010 0.784   0.549 
#>  2     1  2011 0.549   0.0142
#>  3     1  2012 0.0142  0.928 
#>  4     1  2013 0.928   0.0629
#>  5     1  2014 0.0629 NA     
#>  6     2  2010 0.701   0.710 
#>  7     2  2011 0.710   0.115 
#>  8     2  2012 0.115   0.311 
#>  9     2  2013 0.311   0.726 
#> 10     2  2014 0.726  NA     
#> 11     3  2010 0.909   0.425 
#> 12     3  2011 0.425   0.706 
#> 13     3  2012 0.706   0.483 
#> 14     3  2013 0.483   0.526 
#> 15     3  2014 0.526  NA

Created on 2022-03-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Note that all values are shifted one up (assuming the years are consecutive and none are skipped). The last year for each id does not have a new value as it is the last

Hope this helps,

I'd convert this into a tibble and work in the Tidyverse. The easiest way is to take your dataframe and convert it to a tibble like I do below on the mtcars dataset.


mtcars <- mtcars %>% tibble()
mtcars %>% head()

In your example, i had to convert it into a tibble since I didn't have the dataframe provided. Depending on your data, I'd say your best bet is to group by isin and then make sure you're in order.

    ~isin,        ~Year, ~Month, ~MV,    ~P,    ~RI,    ~VA,       ~MNEM,
    "BMG0539N1020", 2011, 12,    804.00,  20.10, 92.80, 2888.1,   "N:AOD",
    "BMG0539N1020", 2012, 12,    1148.00, 28.70, 132.50,13.5,     "N:AOD",
    "BMG067231032", 2014, 12,    3598.35, 100.91,90.40, 406557.6, "N:AVAN"
) %>% 
    mutate(across(c(Year, Month), ~as.integer(.))) %>% 
    # make sure you get end of year data to make these annual returns.
    filter(Month == 12) %>% 
    mutate(report_date = make_date(year = Year, month = Month, day = 1) %>% ceiling_date(unit = 'month'),
           year_end    = as_date(report_date - 1),
           report_year = year(report_date)) %>% 
    group_by(isin) %>% 
    arrange(report_date, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
    mutate(ret = RI / lag(RI) - 1) %>% 
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