Bulleted list in R package reference documentation

I am trying to document bulleted lists in an R package function.
I am using the stringr package as an example as outlined in the Rpackage documentation. However the bullets are not rendering.

For example, the snippet below does not render the bullet, it just displays the asterisk! Any ideas?

#'@returns List of 2 objects:
#'* Data frame (data.table) (n x 12)
#' \item{comland}{Each row ....group}
#'\item{YEAR}{Year of trip/tow}
#'\item{MONTH}{Month of trip/tow}
#' * Character string
#' \item{sql}{Defines the SQL query used to pull the data}
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Do you have the following line in your DESCRIPTION file?

Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)

Nope!! Thanks. This is the solution

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