Hi there, I hope this is the right place to post this question.
I am trying to create a new website using Blogdown in RStudio. However I frequently face a problem of being unable to commit my changes. Specifically, I am unable to stage the changes in the 'Git' window of RStudio.
For example, I will select the check box next to the public/ folder, but nothing will happen. RStudio will then freeze up, as though it is trying to stage the folder, but nothing happens for 10-15 minutes, and then I have to terminate RStudio using Task Manager.
A screen shot is provided below. You will see that I can stage all the files, except for the public/, static/ and theme/ folders
To illustrate the problem, in this example I haven't even made any changes to the downloaded theme. I have run the following code, before trying to commit changes:
- library(blogdown)
- install_hugo()
- new_site(theme = 'kakawait/hugo-tranquilpeak-theme')
- serve_site()
To make this more puzzling, I have been able to commit/push other projects to GitHub no problem, and have successfully deployed blogs using Netlify (these were based on the Lithium and Blackburn themes).
I will happily buy a beer, wine, or warm yak milk for anyone who has any ideas on what's going wrong here...
Many thanks for your time, Steve
Edit: It looks like two people had the same question over at Stack Overflow, but there was no answer: r - Blogdown, Git and RStudio: Unable to Stage public/ folder - Stack Overflow