I rendered my site using hugo academic theme via rmarkdown::render_site(encoding = 'ISO8859-1') and working fine and also check on browser locally "" working fine but when I commit and push into github repository show that your site is published but actually not working.
"GitHub - javediqbal1419/javediqbal1419.github.io: This is my personal site"
Hi Javed, and welcome to community.rstudio.com! I get a blank page when I visit https://javediqbal1419.github.io. However, if I visit https://javediqbal1419.github.io/public/, I do see content for your main page. It looks to me like your URL is not mapped correctly to your content.
Thanks for your reply @kmprioli , How did I set my index.html to my local repository instead of public? I am new to r studio and blogdown.
You're welcome! To be honest, I'm not sure how the mistake happened - I'm not familiar with GitHub Pages or how the mapping is made - so I don't have any helpful advice to offer. Hopefully someone else who has more familiarity will be able to weigh in!
The instructions for doing this are here: https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/github-pages.html
They are more complicated than deploying through Netlify for example: https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/netlify.html