...I am making an application that plots the genes based on their p-value on the Bioconductor - karyoploteR chromosome templates.
Everything is automated but I have issues making the whole program dynamic.
currently i can read only one expression. But I am having issues in generating a logic to read multiple expressions within an excel file.
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Shiny Debugging
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Data is being visualized clearly if I select one chromosome at a time, but when I select all the chromosomes the space is extremely jam packed, to label anything.
One thing you could do is to make the plot height dependent on the number of chromosomes
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How to do that. how to change the size of the mainPanel() ?
To help us help you, could you please prepare a repr oducible ex ample (reprex) illustrating your issue?
i've solved the issue of the mainpanel() by using the fluidPage() instead of the panels
May 5, 2019, 1:34pm
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