Binary not available for package terra

Hi all,

currently, there is no binary for the package terra, R version 4.4.0 in Windows. Is it planned to be provided? And, if so, when will it be provided?

Thank you in advance,


Hi @SergioV!

Thanks for the report. We took a look and see that the terra package needs a few updates in order to build on Windows with Rtools 4.4. It looks like the package maintainers have incorporated the necessary changes, but haven't yet released an updated version to CRAN. We'll look into if we can patch the current version and get those binaries up in the meantime.


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Thank you @JoeR for the prompt reply! I had a look at some pkgs that depend on terra and it seems that the binary is not available for them too (e.g. tidyterra, terrainr ....).

I would also like to ask another question. The package raster has been archived on CRAN. Do you know if PPM will still provide the binary for R 4.4.0?


It looks like all of those failures trace to the problem building terra. There should also be raster builds for 4.4.0, but raster now imports functions from terra, so once terra is fixed, I believe raster binaries will also be available. Will update you here when we know more. Thanks for your patience!

Ok, thank you very much. I don't know if it helps, but CRAN has the binary for terra.

Hi @SergioV !

Great news! All of these binaries for R 4.4 are now available in today's package updates! Please let me know if you see any additional missing packages or any other issues.


Hi @JoeR, that’s great, thank you so much!



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