bigrquery 0.4.0

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I’m pleased to announce that bigrquery 0.4.0 is now on CRAN. bigrquery makes it possible to talk to Google’s BigQuery cloud database. It provides both DBI and dplyr backends so you can interact with BigQuery using either low-level SQL or high-level dplyr verbs.
Install the latest version of bigrquery with:
install.packages("bigrquery") Basic usage Connect to a bigquery database using DBI:
library(dplyr) con <- DBI::dbConnect(dbi_driver(), project = "publicdata", dataset = "samples", billing = "887175176791" ) DBI::dbListTables(con) #> [1] "github_nested" "github_timeline" "gsod" "natality" #> [5] "shakespeare" "trigrams" "wikipedia" (You’ll be prompted to authenticate interactively, or you can use a service token with set_service_token().