Hey Karni,
I can show you a snippet of code, that I hope will allow to adjust to your needs. Basically using textInput the user enters key words. For you I'd set up a list of all from each row of your table that you expect useful to the user to enter to filter the table. Maybe it's just a code from each row. Paste all key elements (columns) of your table into a big list. Then the keywords entered will be compared to your big list. The indexes will be determined. From there you can either create a selectizeInput widget to list the filtered big list or you could immediately produce a table based on the filtered list. I recommend the former to avoid potential delays if the filtered list is quite large. Using selectizeInput the user can select an exact row from the table that they desire based on their key words. The row can be displayed with a DT::dataTableOutput widget or perhaps you plan to display a map point instead and you do not want a table as an output. For me I wanted a table output.
Here's the code:
Server side code
values <- reactiveValues() #you'll need this to update a value reactively though it is an option (see below)
proc_name = PRO3_3df$proc_detail #this is my list of detailed names where basically each name has the key
#words from the table of interest. For you maybe just a code
proc_name = as.character(proc_name)
values[["ecoinventFinds"]] = 0 # a reactive value that determines how many names found given the user's
#textInput; this variable will be used to display number of filtered rows
#the following observes a textInput to see what the user enters
if(input$ecoinventWordlookup == ""){
input = input$ecoinventWordlookup
if(length(input) == 0){}
test = ""
splitInput = strsplit(input, " ") #split textInput by spaces
names = proc_name #detailed names of list representing the table
for(i in 1:length(splitInput[[1]])){ #loop through entered words
if(length(names) == 0){
test = mapply(grepl,splitInput[[1]][[i]],names,ignore.case=TRUE) #finds places where entered text
#matches text in the detailed names list
idx = which(test == TRUE) #convert to indexes
idx = ids_ecoinventlookup[idx]
names =PRO3_3df$proc_detail[idx] #select detailed names from list that match text
ids_ecoinventlookup = PRO3_3df$mat_id[idx]
values[["ecoinventFinds"]] = length(names) #number of names found
updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'e3_3', choices = names, server = TRUE) #update
#selectize list that user can choose from
#an output to say your key words found n entries
output$ecoinventFinds = renderUI({
HTML(paste("<h5>",values[["ecoinventFinds"]]," processes found with your key words. Select from below:", "</h5>"))
#create your table based on what user selects from the selectizeInput ('e3_3'). For me this requred extracting #values from a matrix; for you it might be as simple as returning the table row;
#load the selected process recipe into tables
processInput = reactive({
if(is.null(input$e3_3)){Proc_in = data.frame("","","","")
}else if(input$e3_3 == ""){
Proc_in = data.frame("","","","")
process_name = input$e3_3
idx = which(PRO3_3df$proc_detail == process_name,arr.ind = T)
inputs_idx = which(A3_3[,idx] !=0, arr.ind = T)
input_val = A3_3[inputs_idx,idx]
pro_id = PRO3_3df[inputs_idx,1]
proc_names = PRO3_3df[inputs_idx,2]
pro_units = as.character(PRO3_3df[inputs_idx,12])
Proc_in = data.frame(pro_id =pro_id, pro_name = proc_names, pro_values = input_val,pro_units = pro_units)
colnames(Proc_in) = c("ID","Process name","Value","Unit")
#render the table
output$inputsTable = DT::renderDataTable({
UI side code
textInput("ecoinventWordlookup","Enter key words to filter processes (separate words with space):",NULL),
selectInput('e3_3', 'Filter ecoinvent further based on your key words (for speed ensure that processes filtered are less than a 1000):', choices = NULL,width = '900px'),
downloadButton("export_process","Export to csv"),
h3("Inputs from technosphere:"),
div(DT::dataTableOutput("inputsTable"),style = "font-size:80%")