Best Airbnb in Ragusa, Sicily |> Table Contest

Best Airbnb in Ragusa, Sicily

Alessio Crisafulli Carpani • websitegithub

This interactive table reports the best airbnb listings in the province of Ragusa, Sicily (Italy). For each entry the most imporant feautures are showed, but it is possible to toggle the full description and the position in an interactive map.

Full Description:
Through this table you can explore the best accomodations for your trip in the beautiful Italian island of Sicily. Not only hostings are reported from the best, but also you can read the description, the most important information and even see the exact location in a map as you were surfing the official page!

The table was created using reactable and the maps are created using mapboxer .

The data can be downloaded from kaggle


Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: tablecontest2022
Code: GitHub - alecrsf/rstudio_table_contest2022: My submission for the 2022 RStudio Table Contest
Cloud project:
Languages: Built with R: true. Built with Python: false.
Industries: Tourism.
Other packages: reactable


Thanks, that makes everything easier.