Bellabeat data analysis case study

Hi everyone,
Please I just concluded the Google Data Analytic course about to take the capstone project and honestly I am lost particularly on the following;

How to upload the zipped file into the Rstudio
I don't know the right csv files to use for the analysis
Please, I really need guidance to proceed with the project. Please please please help a brother who is new in the system and in dare need of assistance.
Thanks in anticipation

Which version of RStudio are you using? Are you using RStudio in a browser conected to or are you using RStudio on your local computer?

If you are using Posit Cloud, in the lower right pane of the window there is a Files tab. Click on that and you should see an Upload button just below the row of tabs. Click on that, navigate to your zip file and upload it.

If you are using Rstudio locally. Extract your data files from the zip file in a convenient directory. In the top right pane of RStudio, click the Environment tab. You should then see a drop down list labeled Import Data Set. Click on that and select the proper format for your data. If it is not shown or if you get stuck. Ask here how to import your data but please explain what format of data file you have.

Sir, thanks for your response.
I am using RStudio in a browser conected to and the file format is a .csv sir.

OK, then you can upload it following my instructions above and load the data into a data frame with the function read.csv()

Wow it worked perfectly sir. Thanks in a million
But sir, after this uploading, what next please

I don't know anything about the analysis you are trying to do. Have you read your csv files into data frames using read.csv()?

yes have done that, I really appreciate this

You haven't provided any information about the analysis you need to do or the structure of your data. Please ask a specific question. For example, I was able to answer "how do I upload data". The question "what do I do next" is far too vague.

ok sir,
I am using the Bellabeat data analysis case study scenario data for the Google Data Analytic Capstone project sir.

I am not familiar with the Bellabeat data analysis case study. Please show a sample of your data using a copy/paste friendly format. For example, if your data set is in a data frame named DF, the code


will produce output you can copy and paste here and people can use that output to reproduce the first 25 rows of your data.
In addition to showing some data, formulate a specific question. For example, a question like "how do I calculate the average of column Y for each value of column X" can be answered efficiently.
It is getting late for me, so I may not be able to reply again for several hours. Other people may be able to.

Sir, I came across a document that's really helping out now. I have a clear guide to carry on now sir. I will get InTouch as I encounter any challenge sir. Honestly I can't thank you enough for your concern and sacrifice of time for me. God bless you. Amen