I am a beginner with Shiny, and I am using RStudio for the application. I have my online account connected to the project database, and when I run the basic Shiny Web App file (Old Faithful Geyser Data) I get a browser to pop up on my computer with the correct readout. However, my ShinyApps.io page displays the application as "undeployed". I have no error messages being displayed, and this is the code that shows up in my "Depoy" tab:
── Preparing for deployment ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── Re-deploying "Geyser" using "server: shinyapps.io / username: " Looking up application with id "11282655"... Found application <> Bundling 1 file: app.R Capturing R dependencies with renv Found 31 dependencies Created 18,239b bundle Uploading bundle... Uploaded bundle with id 8278209 ── Deploying to server ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Waiting for task: 1386457577 building: Building image: 10004888 building: Fetching packages building: Installing packages building: Installing files building: Pushing image: 10004888 deploying: Starting instances terminating: Stopping old instances ── Deployment complete ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Successfully deployed to <> Deployment completed: https://*/Geyser/
Any idea what is causing this? Not sure why I can't even deploy the pre-loaded example code.