beeRganizer - a CRUD app to organize important tasks in lower league football - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

beeRganizer - a CRUD app to organize important tasks in lower league football

Authors: Boro Nedic
Working with Shiny < 1 year

Abstract: beeRganizer is the english and public version of The app tackles one of the most important questions in lower league football in germany - who has to pay for the beer after training? Since most german football teams have strict rules about when someone has to buy a crate of beer, this application helps to keep overview.

Full Description: In german amateur football it is quite common to drink a beer with your teammates after a hard training or match. Mostly this is done by a single player buying a crate of beer. But who has to buy it? Most clubs have strict rules about when a player has to buy a beer. But it can be hard to keep overview about all the players and their pending crates. Thats why beeRganizer was made.

Technically beeRganizer is a CRUD interface to a database where all players and crates are stored. It has two types of users - Admins and Standard. Admins are allowed to create new crates and players but also to check off crates which have allready be payed. Standard users are only allowed to see the statistics and some overview tables.

Category: Other
Keywords: CRUD, football, shinydashboard
Shiny app:
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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