AtlasMamPor - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: A. Marcia Barbosa
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: A shiny application with interactive maps of the data gathered in the Atlas of Mammals in Portugal.

Full Description: The Atlas of Mammals in Portugal gathers mammal occurrence records published along the last decades on a 10 x 10 km UTM grid. Records are divided according to their date and reliability. This app allows mapping and visualizing those records interactively.

Users can zoom and pan the map; use different background maps (currently OpenStreetMap or OpenTopoMap); switch on or off different types of records; and see the identifier code of the UTM cells as they hover over them with the mouse.

This app was originally written in Portuguese as part of the website of the Portuguese mammal atlas ( Although the UI has been translated to English, there are traces of Portuguese in the source code, as well as in the taxonomic "Order" list, which is captured directly from the original database. Nevertheless, the names of taxonomic orders are quite similar in English, so the app is completely useable everywhere.

Category: Research
Keywords: maps; biodiversity; rspatial
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - AMBarbosa/AtlasMamPor: Atlas of Mammals in Portugal
RStudio Cloud:


Full image: