[asking for help] R studio regression problems

Hi everyone,

Here's my problem: I'm looking to analyse whether the granting of state-guaranteed loans during the crisis had an impact on the bankruptcy risk of the companies that took them out, and then also to analyse the impact of these loans on companies' classic financial variables. You will find the data structure in the appendix. To cut a long story short, when a company has gone bankrupt (default proceedings), it has a 1 in the bankruptcy column, 0 otherwise, when it has had at least one loan, it has a 1 in the pge_count column, and 0 otherwise.

My problem is that when I run the plm regression, I get errors every time, regardless of the model used or the indexes (Siren + Annee or Annee alone). Here's one such error: error in is.recursive(.$object) && !is.primitive(.$object) && n>0 : length = 2 in coercion to logical(1)

Otherwise, the matchit line is also empty. Is this due to the fact that I have 5 lines for each company and this creates a character that is too constant?

Here is my (short because i removed the lines to structure the data frame as a panel) code and you'll find the structure of the data at the end. Have in mind that i have approximately 3M lines.

Thank you for your help !

for (pge_var in pge_variables) {

wb <- createWorkbook()

# Génération des différentes possibilités de variables de contrôles

controle_combinations_faillite <- generate_controls_combinations(controle_vars_faillite)

controle_combinations <- generate_controls_combinations(controle_vars)

faillite_sheet <- "Faillite"

addWorksheet(wb, faillite_sheet)

iv_sheet <- "Faillite_IV_"

addWorksheet(wb, iv_sheet)

start_col <- 1

startIV_col <- 1

for (comb in controle_combinations_faillite) {

formule_faillite <- as.formula(

paste("faillite ~", pge_var, "+", paste(comb, collapse = " + "))


print(paste("Formule de faillite:", deparse(formule_faillite)))

# Convertir les données en pdata.frame

pdata <- pdata.frame(base_wide, index = c("Siren", "Annee"))

# Modèle à effets fixes

fe_model <- plm(formule_faillite, data = pdata, model = "within")


# Modèle à effets aléatoires

re_model <- plm(formule_faillite, data = pdata, model = "random")


# Test de Hausman

hausman_test <- phtest(fe_model, re_model)


# Régression IV

base_wide$prop_pge_secteur <- ave(base_wide[[pge_var]], base_wide$secteur, FUN = mean)

iv_formula <- as.formula(paste("faillite ~", pge_var, "+", paste(comb, collapse = " + "), "| prop_pge_secteur +", paste(comb, collapse = " + ")))

iv_model <- ivreg(iv_formula, data = base_wide)

# Conversion des résultats en data.frame

faillite_table <- as.data.frame(etable(fe_model))

writeData(wb, "Faillite", faillite_table, startCol = start_col)

start_col <- start_col + ncol(faillite_table) + 1

stargazer_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")

stargazer(iv_model, type = "text", out = stargazer_file)

stargazer_content <- readLines(stargazer_file)

writeData(wb, iv_sheet, paste(stargazer_content, collapse = "\n"), startRow = 1, startCol = startIV_col)

startIV_col <- startIV_col + ncol(stargazer_content) + 1


# Régression 2 : Effet des PGE sur chaque variable d'intérêt

for (var in variables_interet) {

effet_sheet <- paste("Effet_", var, sep = "")

addWorksheet(wb, effet_sheet)

start_col <- 1

startIV_col <- 1

for (comb_pge in controle_combinations) {

formule_effet <- as.formula(

paste(var, "~", pge_var, "+", paste(comb_pge, collapse = " + "))


print(paste("Formule de variable d'intérêt : ", deparse(formule_effet)))

# Convertir les données en pdata.frame

pdata <- pdata.frame(base_wide, index = c("Siren", "Annee"))

# Modèle à effets fixes

fe_model <- plm(formule_effet, data = pdata, model = "within")


# Modèle à effets aléatoires

re_model <- plm(formule_effet, data = pdata, model = "random")


# Test de Hausman

hausman_test <- phtest(fe_model, re_model)


# Propensity Score Matching (PSM) pour essayer d'enlever le probable biais endogène

ps_model <- glm(as.formula(paste(pge_var, "~", paste(comb, collapse = " + "))),

data = base_wide, family = gaussian())

matched_data <- matchit(as.formula(paste(pge_var, "~", paste(comb, collapse = " + "))),

method = "nearest", data = base_wide)

matched_dataset <- match.data(matched_data)

# Régression sur le nouveau dataset apparié

psm_model <- lm(as.formula(paste(var, "~", pge_var, "+", paste(comb, collapse = " + "))),

data = matched_dataset)

effet_table <- as.data.frame(etable(fe_model))

psm_table <- as.data.frame(etable(psm_model))

effet_table <- cbind(effet_table, psm_table)

# Ajout sur feuille Excel

writeData(wb, effet_sheet, effet_table, startCol = start_col)

start_col <- start_col + ncol(effet_table) + 1

iv_sheet <- "Effet_IV_"

addWorksheet(wb, iv_sheet)

# Régression IV

iv_formula <- as.formula(paste("faillite ~", pge_var, "+", paste(comb, collapse = " + "), "| prop_pge_secteur +", paste(comb, collapse = " + ")))

iv_model <- ivreg(iv_formula, data = base_wide)

stargazer_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")

stargazer(iv_model, type = "text", out = stargazer_file)

stargazer_content <- readLines(stargazer_file)

writeData(wb, iv_sheet, paste(stargazer_content, collapse = "\n"), startRow = 1, startCol = startIV_col)



output_file <- paste0(output_path, "Resultats_", pge_var, ".xlsx")

saveWorkbook(wb, output_file, overwrite = TRUE)


Hi, welcome to the forum.
I have never used the plm package and I don't work with panel data but I think we need more of your code and a bit of sample data. It looks like you have library(openxlsx); library(plm) loaded. Any others?

Can you some sample data, I think the "cleaned" panel data is sufficient.

Use the dput() function. Do dput(mydata) where "mydata" is the name of your dataset. For really large datasets probably dput(head(mydata, 100)) will do. Paste the output between


Your code starts off with

for (pge_var in pge_variables) {

It is hard to do much start any checking when we don't even know what *pge_variables * are.

You probably do not want to do a full reprex with that many lines of code but there may be some useful hints.
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