Hi - I've structured a survey proportion with CI's as follows; I would like to knit to a Word document, but gt is not compatible - can I save this as as_flex_table or as_hux_table instead?
baro_weightedpointprevalence_srvyr <- table3_baro %>%
as_survey_design(ids=grappe_no,fpc=fpc, weights=HH_weight_normalized)
table <- baro_weightedpointprevalence_srvyr %>%
group_by(GAM_any) %>%
summarize(proportion=survey_prop(vartype="ci", level=.95),
table3_baro_gt <- table %>% select(-starts_with("total_"))
gt(table3_baro_gt) |>
gt::cols_label(GAM_any = "GAM- any",
proportion = "Prevalence",
proportion_low = "Lower Bound- 95% CI",
proportion_upp="Upper Bound- 95% CI",
total = "Count") |>
tab_spanner("Proportion", contains("prop")) |>
tab_spanner("Total", contains("total")) |>
tab_header(title=md("**Baro- GAM**")) |>
fmt_percent(contains("prop"), drop_trailing_zeros = T, decimals=1) |>
cols_width(proportion:total ~ px(75))
When I do this:
include = everything(),
return_calls = FALSE,
strip_md_bold = FALSE
I get this error message:
i Updating gtsummary object from `x$table_header` to `x$table_styling` introduced in "v1.4.0".
Error in UseMethod("mutate") :
no applicable method for 'mutate' applied to an object of class "NULL"