it works...
how are you determining that the whole column is filled with NA after this point ? do you use any particular code for that ? what do you see ? is it maybe not the whole column, because at least for 11-02-2022 it should work.
I checked for NA values in the data set and I got this.
And I checked the column's data. This looks weird. Only 122 observations are converted to date. Rest all are filled with NA.
[1] "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02" "2022-11-02"
[121] "2022-12-02" "2022-12-02" NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
However, look at the str. The column type is date. (Not sure what is ", format")
13th cant be a month so those are d m y formats; Is it possible that in fact all the dates are d m y, and the original "11-02-2022" was 11th Feb rather than 2nd November ?