I hope this is a simple questions that I just happened to not be able to find on the arrow documentation of available functions:
But would anyone happen to know how to filter between a date interval in an arrow table?
I have noticed that the lubridate is not yet arrow compatable:
> data |> filter(ADate %within% interval(ymd("2000-01-01"), ymd("2010-01-01")))
Error: Filter expression not supported for Arrow Datasets: ADate %within% interval(ymd(Colum), ymd("2010-01-01"))
Call collect() first to pull data into R.
In addition: Warning message:
tz(): Don't know how to compute timezone for object of class Expression/ArrowObject/R6; returning "UTC".
But I know arrow has functions processes such as: year, weeks_between, years_between, day_of_week ect.
Similarly, could this be done with a as.Date/Posixltformat?
@nirgrahamuk, I am aware there are limits of what arrow can interpret in dplyr, but there are also so interesting little parsing nuances I've slowly been discovering.