Argument 1 is not a Vector

Hi, I am new to R. I have been trying to run the listFromLong command to transform a data frame from long format to list. I am sure that my data is in long format, however whenever I run the code I run into the following error "Error in order(rownames(res[[i]])) : argument 1 is not a vector"

After looking at the lisFromLong's source code I realized that the error must be somewhere along the lines between ** ** in this code:

listFromLong <- function(foo, unit.variable, time.variable, 
                         unit.names.variable=NULL,exclude.columns=NULL) {
  if(! stop("foo must be a data.frame")

  # main helper function
  DFtoList <- function(input,rowcol,colcol,colnamecol=NULL,exclude=NULL) {
    datcols    <- setdiff(seq_len(ncol(input)), 
    *res        <- vector("list",length(datcols))*
    names(res) <- if (!is.null(colnames(input))) colnames(input)[datcols] else 
    if (!is.null(colnamecol)) {
      c2n        <- na.omit(unique(input[,colnamecol]))
      names(c2n) <- na.omit(unique(input[,colcol]))
    for (i in seq_along(res)) {
      idx  <- ![,datcols[i]])
      rown <- unique(input[idx,rowcol])
      coln <- unique(input[idx,colcol])
      res[[i]] <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(rown),ncol=length(coln))
      rownames(res[[i]]) <- rown
      colnames(res[[i]]) <- coln
      for (j in which(idx)) 
        res[[i]][as.character(input[j,rowcol]),as.character(input[j,colcol])] <- 
      **if (!is.null(colnamecol)) colnames(res[[i]]) <- c2n[as.character(coln)]**
**      res[[i]] <- res[[i]][order(rownames(res[[i]])),,drop=FALSE]**

My inexperience with R prevents me from pinpointing the exact source of the error as, to my understanding, the data is ready to be processed by this code. In other words, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to locate Argument 1, or give me an explanation as to why it was not converted to a vector in the line between * *.

My data was imported from Stata using

data <- read.dta13("path/data.dta") 

What does your data look like? Can you provide a reproducible example?

While creating the data frame I realized that the code worked correctly for a subset of the data. I realized that when excluding those observations with a vector of uniquely missing values in important variables the code ran properly. Perhaps the problem was rotted in the fact the some empty vectors were being created. Is that feasible?

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