Are You Headed for An Energy Crisis? - Shiny Contest Submission

Are You Headed for An Energy Crisis?

Authors: Marek Rogala

Abstract: Most of us try to manage our time better, but personally I’ve found that my bottleneck is never time itself. It’s actually my energy - if my energy level gets too low, I end up wasting lots of time. However, when my energy level is high, I can accomplish so much in a short amount of time! My journey with energy management started when my friend asked me to take a 1 page energy test. I’ve created an app that allows you to easily take this energy level test online and share it with others. The app will also give you recommendations for next steps if it detects a looming energy crisis

Full Description: Most of us try to manage our time better, but personally I’ve found that my bottleneck is never time itself. It’s actually my energy - if my energy level gets too low, I end up wasting lots of time. However, when my energy level is high, I can accomplish so much in a short amount of time!

My journey with energy management started when my friend asked me to take a 1 page energy test. However, this test was on paper, and it was not easy to share with others. I’ve created a Shiny app that allows you to easily take this energy level test online and share it with others. The app will also give you recommendations for next steps if it detects a looming energy crisis.

Building this app had a very personal goal for me: improving my energy management was a life-changing experience for me, and I’d like to make sure that everyone who struggles with energy management can learn about this concept and benefit from all the already available resources.

The app is built with shiny.fluent, which made it easy to create a polished and clean-looking app quite quickly. A secondary goal of creating this app was to help others discover shiny.fluent, as it is a package that my team is quite proud of and that we think will help Shiny users quite a lot. As one of the authors of this library, I want everyone to benefit from what it provides.

A good category for this app could be "personal development".

Keywords: survey, test, psychology, personal development, self-improvement, personal energy, shiny.fluent, shiny.react
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - Appsilon/energy-management-shiny-fluent-app
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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