Here this works because as.formula() is a base R function that doesn't use data masking. If you want to include a group_by(), you will need to take a look at this page that shows you how to call group_by({{ col}}).
So if you had 2 grouping variables:
#add other categorical column
iris2 <- iris %>%
add_column(other_cat = sample(1:5, nrow(iris), replace = TRUE))
aaa <- function(dta, col1, col2){
dta %>%
group_by({{col1}}) %>%
rstatix::pairwise_t_test(as.formula(paste0(col2," ~ Species")), p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")
# these 2 commands produce the same result
iris2 %>%
group_by(other_cat) %>%
rstatix::pairwise_t_test(Sepal.Length ~ Species, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")
aaa(iris2, other_cat, "Sepal.Length")
Of course, once you have a function doing what you want to a column, you can apply it to all columns with a map-family function.
Hi @AlexisW,
my bad about the "group_by" statement. I realized that error while working on it.
Appreciate the information.
But, please correct me if I am wrong, but do we have to apply aaa separately for each column. In that case, it is a little impractical when you use the "aaa" function for more than 10 columns.
Then you could use a function such as map() to automatize the application of your function. Since rstatix::pairwise_t_test returns a dataframe, you could imagine doing this: