Any way to Restore Projects?

I have been using posit workbench for Rstudio on a server from my college for the past two semesters. During this time I created two key projects that stored everything I learned. These projects were also shared with my teachers. However, when I logged back on to the workbench launcher this semester, all my old projects and sessions were removed from the startup screen. I went to my teacher to see if the project might still be shared with him, but it wasn't anymore. I reset my onedrive and resynced my files, but that also helped nothing. It may be important to add that between the two semesters, I had a class where I had to download the actual R studio application, but I don't know if those files interact any. Does anyone know what the cause of the deleted projects might be? and if they can be restored?

Hi @charlharp
Welcome to the Community Forum.
I suggest you contact the IT department of your college; the people responsible for maintaining the server you were using. If your script and data files were stored on that server then they should have backup or archive copies.
Good luck!

Thank you for your help!

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