I am trying to remove stop words from a dataframe using the anti join function. The code is running but it's not doing what it's supposed to do and I'm not sure it is doing anything. any help is greatly appreciated
joined <- anti_join(data, stop_words, by = "word")
and i get the output:
# A tibble: 13,005 x 1
1 "c(\"how\", \"did\", \"everyone\", \"feel\", \"about\", \"the\", \"climate\", \"change\", \"question\", \"last\", \"night\", …
2 "c(\"didnt\", \"catch\", \"the\", \"full\")"
3 "c(\"no\", \"mention\", \"of\", \"tamir\", \"rice\", \"and\", \"the\")"
4 "c(\"that\", \"carly\", \"fiorina\", \"is\", \"trendinghours\", \"after\", \"her\", \"debateabove\", \"any\", \"of\", \"the\"…
5 "c(\"on\", \"my\", \"first\", \"day\", \"i\", \"will\", \"rescind\", \"every\", \"illegal\", \"executive\", \"action\", \"tak…
6 "c(\"i\", \"liked\", \"her\", \"and\", \"was\", \"happy\", \"when\", \"i\", \"heard\", \"she\", \"was\", \"going\", \"to\", \…
7 "c(\"going\", \"on\")"
8 "c(\"deer\", \"in\", \"the\", \"headlightsben\", \"carson\", \"may\", \"be\", \"the\", \"only\", \"brain\", \"surgeon\", \"wh…
9 "c(\"last\", \"nights\", \"debate\", \"proved\", \"it\")"
10 "c(\"in\", \"all\", \"fairness\")"
# … with 12,995 more rows
the stop words from the 'stop_words' dataframe haev not been taken out of the 'data' dataframe.