AnotherWorkhub - GEN-AI powered assistant - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Gabriel CRUZ SAAVEDRA

Abstract: This Shiny app combines the power of R and OpenAI’s ChatGPT API to create an interactive platform for simulating interviews and improving pitch presentations. Utilizing core R packages like shiny, golem, shinydashboard, and dplyr, the app offers a modular, responsive user interface. It integrates ChatGPT for generating dynamic, AI-driven feedback and interview questions.

Full Description: This Shiny app combines R’s powerful web framework with OpenAI’s ChatGPT API to provide an interactive tool for improving interview and pitch skills. The app uses a modular structure, making it scalable and easy to maintain. Available in french and english.

15/09/2024 : Updated sections of the app to improve language, interactions and logic. Access codes are available in the GitHub repo.

Key Features:

Interview Simulator:

  • Uses ChatGPT to generate dynamic, AI-driven interview questions.
  • Analyzes user responses in real-time
  • Provides detailed feedback

Pitch Improver:

  • Integrates ChatGPT for real-time feedback on pitch content.
  • Offers suggestions on structure, delivery and grammar

Technical Stack:

  • Modular Design: Server logic split into independent modules for scalability (shiny modules).
  • Multilingual : French (default) and English available.
  • Real-Time Interactivity: Uses reactiveValues and observeEvent for handling inputs and state.
  • ChatGPT Integration: API calls to OpenAI’s model for generating feedback and dynamic content.

This architecture enables easy future expansion and makes the app highly flexible for personal development and professional training.

Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - AnotherDataGuy/anotherworkhub


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