Another round of Unsupported R version for operating system jammy. Execution halted

I updated my RStudio and R versions this morning before attempting to upload a new version of my Shiny app to Part way through the deployment I got this error:

Unsupported R version 4.4.3 for operating system jammy.
Execution halted

Other similar gripes appear relating to earlier R versions as recently as December. I understand that this is a free service, so I don't expect and hand-holding, but it would be nice if Posit posted somewhere when they expect to support the latest R version. I would save us the bother of trying to deploy over and over until the magic moment arrives when the deployment succeeds.


Same issue here after updating to R 4.4.3 a few days ago. As you say, I'm waiting for the magic moment when the deploy works.

I'm actually paying for an upgraded version of shinyapps and also get this error. So, the problem isn't because it's a free service. I need to ask why I am paying for this.

Hello, just a heads up that R 4.4.3 is now available in Sorry for the delay in getting this out there, please let us know if you run into any issues.


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