Amelia package does not install on Posit Cloud

The Amelia package does not install on Posit cloud.
When we attempt to install it, it returns the following message.
However, it installs on the desktop version of RStudio.

g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus
compilation terminated.
make: *** [/opt/R/4.3.3/lib/R/etc/Makeconf:200: em.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘Amelia’
*** removing ‘/cloud/lib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3/Amelia’**
Warning in install.packages :
** installation of package ‘Amelia’ had non-zero exit status**


I believe you are running into a memory issue. If you are on a paid plan, please try increasing the RAM associated with your project to 2gb. That should work. Thanks,


The issue does not seem to be related to the memory at all.
I increased the RAM to 2GB and the issue persists.
We were able to use Amelia with no issues until late March 2024, but after that, the issue started.
Could you help fix it?

We are still requesting a solution to this issue.
The solution that you suggested is irrelevant. I am a paid subscriber to Posit Cloud and the Amelia package is currently not working on Posit Cloud even though it works fine on the desktop version.
This is not a memory issue. Are you able to fix this, or will you not respond and the issue will automatically close in 21 days?

Hi again.

I'm surprised that doesn't work for you. I just launched a new project with 2gb and again had no issues. Could you please try it from a new project and see if you run into the same blocker?

Also, if that doesn't work, please submit a support ticket from within the platform since you are a paying user. They'll be able to provide a more thorough response if the issue persists.

