Hi everyone.
I was trying to make some markdown container.
My image is based on this one:
It err when rendering plots.
Here's my sample rmarkdown.
title: "Untitled"
self_contained: false
\```{r plot}
The error message:
Quitting from lines 10-16 (simple_plot.Rmd)
Error in (function (filename = if (onefile) "Rplots.svg" else "Rplot%03d.svg", :
svg: Cairo-based devices are not available for this platform
Calls: <Anonymous> ... block_exec -> eng_r -> chunk_device -> do.call -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
I search about cairo alpine rmarkdown and find nothing.
Is there any way to not use svg if cairo_svg is not available?
How do I list and change device?