Alpha in ggplotly label

Hi all,

Is there a way to remove the alpha from my label in ggplotly? I have tried 'turning off' the alpha with guides (take 1 below) and scale alpha guides (take 2), which I found here: r - Remove extra legends in ggplot2 - Stack Overflow However, this method seems to work for ggplot but not ggplotly. When ggplotly gets called, the alpha in the label gets re-attached. Thank you in advance for any insight.

    # Take 1:  
     pounds_plot <- ggplot() +
       geom_sf(data = full_pov_census_data, aes(fill = NumbImpoverished)) +
       geom_point(data = link2feed_partner_data, aes(x = long, y = lat, size = Total, alpha = 1)) +
       guides(alpha = "none") +
       ggtitle("Pounds Distributed by SHFB to Partner Programs") +
       scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral", name = "Number Impoverished") 
     ggplotly(pounds_plot) %>%
       layout(height = 800) %>%
       style(hoveron = "fill") %>%
       style(hoveron = "size")
     # Take 2: 
     pounds_plot <- ggplot() +
       geom_sf(data = full_pov_census_data, aes(fill = NumbImpoverished)) +
       geom_point(data = link2feed_partner_data, aes(x = long, y = lat, size = Total, alpha = 1)) +
       scale_alpha(guide = 'none')
       ggtitle("Pounds Distributed by SHFB to Partner Programs") +
       scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral", name = "Number Impoverished") 
     ggplotly(pounds_plot) %>%
       layout(height = 800) %>%
       style(hoveron = "fill") %>%
       style(hoveron = "size")

just remove the "alpha = 1" from the aes() as you don't need it (when setting this to 1 anyway)

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