allocating enough memory on a posit server

while running reclin2 functions, i am getting the following error message:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 193.0 Mb
How do I allow more memory to be used?
I am working on the Posit workbench, using 8 cores. The above vector size changes every time, depending on what i am trying to compare. I get 'unlimited' when asking ulimit in terminal.

If you're using Posit Workbench, you may need to ask your system administrator if the amount of memory allocated to your R sessions is being limited in some way; otherwise, you might need to manually manage memory in your session (e.g. by removing unused R objects so that memory can later be reclaimed).

Thanks Kevin! I've now asked the question. Lets see. I am using gc() in between the calls just in case, is that enough or should I even remove the objects from the workspace?