Allison & Kobus wedding website - Shiny Contest Submission

Allison & Kobus wedding website

Authors: Kobus Bosman

Abstract: This is the Shiny app I created for my wedding! It features the following tabs:

  • Home: general information.
  • Schedule: dates, times and locations for our wedding weekend.
  • Attendance: RSVP that is linked to a Google Sheets.
  • Travel and accommodation: travel advice and instructions how to book in our hotel block.
  • Things to do: features an interactive map of sights and locations surrounding our wedding.
  • Line-up: a shout-out to our vendors!
  • Gifts: Zelle, Venmo and a Dutch payment provider, as QR-codes that are clickable as well.
  • Moments: images of our lives leading up to the big day.
  • FAQs.

We sent this website to our guests from the US and the Netherlands and it was very well received! It is also tailored to work well on phones. Leading up to the wedding we especially enjoyed the connection to Google Sheets to keep track of our guests' RSVPs.

Shiny app: Allison & Kobus wedding website
Repo: GitHub - kobusbosman/allisonkobuswedding


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