all projects are gone!

Hello, I believe I have passed the hours of use of the cloud and I no longer have access to saved projects. Can you help me, please?
One of them was in the url


I can help figure out what happened. Can you provide a screen shot of exactly what you are seeing?


Hello Sam

The screen appears with the cloud in direct and written


Sorry, but you do not have access.

I really need previous projects...


Hi Helen

Is it possible to take a screenshot of the UI? It will help narrow down where the problem is if I can see what the error looks like and where it is it appears.


Hi Sam

When I log in the message appears:

I can enter the workspace, but there is nothing

Can you try a different browser (or incognito mode) to see if the behavior is reproduced there?

Is it possible that you're logging in with a different email address then you normally do?

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Sam, I tried on another browser and the error persisted, so I realized I was signing in with another Google account.
Thank you so much for your help Sam and Andy!!!
I was getting desperate lol :wink: :+1:

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