Aligning Shiny dashboard boxes

I am trying to align the boxes in shiny dashboard fluid row. I would like the category distribution box to be aligned underneath summary stats.

tabItem(h1("Data Exploration"), tabName = "dataexploration",
          box(title = "Generate Data Set", actionButton("data_generate", "Generate")),
          box(title = "Data Frame", dataTableOutput('df')),
          box(title = "Summary Stats", tableOutput('token_summary')),
          box(title = "Category Distribution", plotOutput('category_dist'))

You could put them into column calls:

tabItem(h1("Data Exploration"), tabName = "dataexploration",
            width = 6,
            box(title = "Generate Data Set", actionButton("data_generate", "Generate")),
            box(title = "Category Distribution", plotOutput('category_dist'))
            width = 6,
            box(title = "Data Frame", dataTableOutput('df')),
            box(title = "Summary Stats", tableOutput('token_summary')),

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