I have a shiny app with two dropdown inputs. The values in the second dropdown depend on the selection in the first one. The straight-forward implementation causes a reactive to trigger twice: once for the first dropdown changing, and again when the second dropdown gets its choices updated. I'm looking for a clean solution to fix this, so that only one reactive trigger will happen, without writing hacky code.
As an example, here's a base code that works:
fulldf <- data.frame(
country = c(rep("A", 6), rep("B", 6)),
gender = rep(c("M", "F"), 6),
age = rep(c("baby", "child", "adult"), 4),
value = c(10, 40, 100, 8, 50, 75, 9, 39, 99, 7, 49, 74)
ui <- fluidPage(
column(4, selectInput("country", "Country", sort(unique(fulldf$country)))),
column(4, selectInput("subgroup_var", "Subgroup variable", c("None", "gender", "age"))),
column(4, selectInput("subgroup_value", "Subgroup value", NULL))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$subgroup_var, {
if (input$subgroup_var == "None") {
choices <- c("")
} else {
choices <- fulldf %>% pull(input$subgroup_var) %>% unique()
updateSelectInput(session, "subgroup_value", choices = choices)
filtered_data <- reactive({
message("calculating data")
data <- fulldf %>% filter(country == input$country)
if (input$subgroup_var != "None") {
data <- data %>% filter(!!sym(input$subgroup_var) == input$subgroup_value)
output$results <- renderTable({
message("rendering table")
shinyApp(ui, server)
The problem is that the table is rendered twice. One simple "fix" would be to simply isolate the first dropdown from the filtering, but that doesn't necessarily always result in the correct behaviour.
What would be the best way to fix this code?