I want to perform adonis analysis in R using the Bray-curtis matrix that I have. I do not know what the error is that I am getting.
I am using the following codes:
> head(metadata)
# A tibble: 6 x 14
sample_id Farm Variety Treat Location Treatment Copper BarcodeSequence
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 ID1468-1~ Moli~ PI TE West soil 34.2 ACTCGCTATTATGC~
2 ID1468-1~ Moli~ PI TE West soil 51.9 ACTCGCTAGAGCCT~
3 ID1468-1~ Moli~ PI TE West soil 38.9 ACTCGCTAAAGGCT~
4 ID1468-1~ Moli~ PI TE West soil 51.2 ACTCGCTACTATTA~
5 ID1468-1~ Moli~ PI TE West soil 44.0 ACTCGCTAGCGTAA~
6 ID1468-1~ Moli~ PI TE East soil 32.6 ACTCGCTACCTAGA~
# ... with 6 more variables: LinkerPrimerSequence <chr>, ReversePrimer <chr>,
# LinkerPrimerSequence_RC <chr>, ReversePrimer_RC <chr>, Demultiplexer <chr>,
# Description <chr>
Sorry, but no. Can you please read the guide ? its a relatively fast read and packed with useful information for interacting with the forum effectively. It really will benefit you in your search for help.