I made a function that works properly. However, I'm having trouble calling the function. See that when I do this f2(df1,"2","Sunday","EFG","")
, comes the table with all the information, however, I would only like the fourth line of meanTime
, which refers up to Id=2
, Week=Sunday
, Category=EFG
and DT=""
df1<- structure(
Id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
date1 = c("2022-01-06","2022-01-06","2022-01-06","2022-01-06","2022-01-06",
date2 = c("2022-01-02","2022-01-03","2022-01-09","2022-01-10","2022-01-02",
Week = c("Sunday","Monday","Sunday","Monday","Sunday","Monday","Sunday","Monday"),
Category = c("EFG", "ABC","EFG","ABC","EFG", "ABC","EFG","ABC"),
DT= c("", "","","","", "","",""),
Time = c(7.13, 1.98, 5.63, 4.46,5.23, 2.33, 5.34, 4.36)),
row.names = c(NA, 8L), class = "data.frame")
f2 <- function(df1,Id,Week, Category,DT) {
nms <- c('Time|time')
meanTime <- df1 %>%
group_by(Id,Week = tools::toTitleCase(Week), Category,DT) %>%
summarise(across(matches(nms), mean, .names = 'Time',na.rm = TRUE), .groups = 'drop')
meanTime <- transform(meanTime, Time = format(round(Time, digits = 2), nsmall = 2))
Id Week Category DT Time
1 1 Monday ABC 3.22
2 1 Sunday EFG 6.38
3 2 Monday ABC 3.35
4 2 Sunday EFG 5.28